Thursday, June 2, 2016

Alexis's Edits and Suggestions

Hi Group 2! I've added and reworked some of the material. Feel free to revert back to Mina's or accept some of these changes.

Here is my suggestion:

Title: Mind, Body, and Voice: Expressions of Self and Community around the World

This session provides fruitful experiences that can help students strengthen their local identities and broaden and widen their perspectives on cultural diversity with a variety of artistic performances such as singing, acting, and video making. From oral history in Africa to activist movements in Pakistan, the focus of this session is to nurture students' capacities to engage with diversity and local traditions while understanding and respecting cultural diversities in different parts of globe.


  1. Thanks Alexis for your work. I like the title and description!
    One thing that I changed was the phrase of "with a variety of artistic performances" to "through artistic medium" based on Teresa's suggestion. I agree with Teresa's point that the phrase of "with a variety of artistic performances" limits us to performance instead of keeping options to other artistic possibilities.

    If Teresa is also okay with the title and description below, I'm willing to submit it to Amy and Christina. I will wait for Teresa's response for now.

    Title: Mind, Body, and Voice: Expressions of Self and Community around the World

    This session provides fruitful experiences that can help students strengthen their local identities and broaden and widen their perspectives on cultural diversity through artistic medium (instead of "with a variety of artistic performances" here) such as singing, acting, and video making. From oral history in Africa to activist movements in Pakistan, the focus of this session is to nurture students' capacities to engage with diversity and local traditions while understanding and respecting cultural diversities in different parts of globe.

  2. I have been purging my school files and came across an activity that I think may be good for the first day of our workshop. It is called "Making Global Connections". Students are given cards with various global concerns printed on them. The first student holds on to a ball of yarn and reads his/her card, that student then tosses the yarn to someone else and they repeat the activity. When they are finished, students will all be wrapped in the yarn thus illustrating how global concerns are interconnected.
