Hope you are enjoying happy and restful Memorial day weekend!
I was very happy to meet you ladies on our orientation day as a team. It was definitely a great time that widened my interests and perspectives.
Indeed, we came up with a bunch of fantastic ideas.
Here's some of our ideas that were written in my note (Please add anything that I missed here):
- Writing the same story from different perspectives
ex) Story: Little Red Riding Hood, Writing the story from Wolf's perspective
- Discussing normative sentences for their truthiness
ex) Showing some normative sentences and asking students for their thoughts on whether the sentences are really true
- Christianity as dominant religion vs Mormons/ Armish etc. as minor religion in U.S. or Indiana region
- Discussing the need of cultural respect with the case of 2014 Hong Kong protest
- Discussing Islam through Sufi music
- Experiencing Kabukki (Traditional Japanese drama & dance)
- Exploring widely known prejudices across race, gender, and etc.
- Challenging the media
<Teresa's idea that was shared on 5/27 (Fri) through Group 2 space>
- "One World, Many Voices"
Our end product is a video students will make comparing various perspectives on cultural issues in different regions.
Looking at all of the ideas above together, I've felt that what we were trying to develop was experiences that students could strengthen their capacities to become local citizens who were proud of their own roots and traditions and global citizens who understand and respect cultural diversities in different parts of globe. Although we haven't fixed anything, I guess, this summary can work as a good starting point that we can further develop our ideas.
So, I've tried to think our workshop title and description as follows. Please feel free to share your thoughts on them, suggest any better ideas if you have, and modify as needed :)
- Workshop Title
The Diversity Project with Art: Getting to know myself and you
- Descriptions
Look forward to hearing from your thoughts!!